Removal of Antill Road ANPR camera

The Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) camera that was installed in April on Antill Road, Bow, will be removed by the new Mayor on 18th July.
What is happening?
The previous Labour administration extensively consulted on an ambitious set of proposals called Liveable Streets. The proposals aimed to reduce air pollution in Tower Hamlets by channelling through-traffic down main roads and making it more difficult to drive short distances.
The Labour administration did not implement most of the consulted proposals, but rather installed a few parts of the scheme in Bow, Bethnal Green and Wapping. Nevertheless, the Aspire Party ran an election campaign that emphasised the removal of Liveable Streets measures.
Read more on what is happening in other areas in my Twitter thread: Removal of Liveable Streets across Tower Hamlets.
In Bow, a camera was installed which was designed to fine drivers for driving west-bound along Antill Road through the junction of Antill and Selwyn roads. This has dramatically cut traffic along the road which is almost entirely residential. This week, residents were sent letters informing them that the camera would be taken down on 18th July with a 6-month period of review to see how the policy was received by locals (which negates the need for a consultation).
What can you do?
The plans can be seen online here:
You can have your say by emailing: and
What am I doing?
I have been hard at work since the announcement was made:
- Ensured that the council officer responsible had published the correct information online about the plans.
- Emailed my objections to the Mayor and Transportation team.
- Helped residents set up the protest on 18th July. I contacted the police and emergency services and managed the traffic marshalling to ensure a safe protest.
- Set up the petition to retain the filter and supported residents to gather over 700 signatures.
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