Speedwatch along the Roman
I organised for a team of local Police to come to Bow and lead a Speedwatch event along Roman Road. The Police team brought a camera device which can be used to see the speed of passing vehicles. If a car was driving too fast, another person was prepped with a clipboard and wrote down the number-plate, make and model… Read More >

Bow Neighbourhood Plan and Forum
Bow residents have successfully agreed a Neighbourhood Plan for Bow. The Plan was approved by the Mayor and Cabinet, and was overwhelmingly approved through a referendum on 13 October 2022. You can read the adopted plan here: http://romanroadbowneighbourhoodplan.org/plan The plan gives broad outlines of the types of developments/houses and public realm features the residents of Bow want for their area…. Read More >

In Roman Road LDN: Protest against removal of Antill Road filter
I was quoted on Roman Road LDN local news website on 18 July 2022 regarding the protest I was involved with against the Aspire administration’s removal of the Antill Road traffic filter. More information about the removal of the filter is here: https://cllrnathaliebienfait.net/removal-of-antill-road-anpr-camera/ My quote is as follows: “The mayor may believe he has a democratic mandate to remove low… Read More >

Removal of Antill Road ANPR camera
The Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) camera that was installed in April on Antill Road, Bow, will be removed by the new Mayor on 18th July. What is happening? The previous Labour administration extensively consulted on an ambitious set of proposals called Liveable Streets. The proposals aimed to reduce air pollution in Tower Hamlets by channelling through-traffic down main roads… Read More >
Working on noise complaints on Tredegar Square
Residents in Tredegar Square have been reporting ongoing and worsening noise and ASB in the gardens on the square. Why is this happening? The square used to be closed by the parks team in the council but that was stopped during the COVID-19 to allow residents to more freely access green spaces. There is now no longer the funding available… Read More >

Resolving ASB in Chisenhale Road area
I’ve been working with local residents to resolve ongoing Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) in the area around Chisenhale Road, Bow. Repeated reports have been made to me about regular disruption on Chisenhale Road. Many residents report that the situation is made worse by the presence of the barriers around the primary school’s outside play area. The future of the school’s play… Read More >

New trees on Roman Road in trouble!
I’ve been working with the Trees team in Tower Hamlets council to make sure the new trees along Roman Road get the best start in life. The trees were planted in April towards the end of the planting season and during a period of hot weather. Following a tip off from a fellow resident, I asked the team to give… Read More >

In MyLondon: removal of Liveable Streets schemes
I was quoted in MyLondon news website on 12 July 2022 regarding the Aspire administration’s plans to remove previously installed Liveable Streets infrastructure across Tower Hamlets. My quote is as follows: “Many residents who were opposed before have now told me that they don’t want to see the schemes go.” For the full article, click here (free access): https://www.mylondon.news/news/west-london-news/local-outrage-east-london-council-24465639

Visit to Old Palace Primary School
I was invited to visit Old Palace Primary school to talk to children about recycling. The Year 2s told me that they were sad to see their parks littered with rubbish. And they were shocked to learn that Tower Hamlets only recycles 22% of our waste. I helped them think about what might help solve the problems of low recycling… Read More >

Collecting laughing gas canisters
Have you ever noticed those small silver laughing gas canisters on roads and pavements across Tower Hamlets? I got fed up of seeing them everywhere and started picking them up to tidy up our area. In January I picked up over 300 of them, weighing over 9kg in total! The council is apparently cracking down on shops which sell these… Read More >