My support for a petition calling for pension fund divestment
I am please to support a campaign calling for Tower Hamlets Council to divest its pension fund from companies profiting from the Israeli State’s wars and those which profit from climate change.
The campaign was led by the Tower Hamlets Coalition for Ethical Investment, which brings together Unison, the Tower Hamlets Trades Union Council, the Tower Hamlets Palestine Solidarity Campaign and the Jenin Friendship Association.
Yesterday, 30 September, the campaign team staged a rally on the steps of the Town Hall before heading into the Pensions Committee meeting to present their petition. I was very pleased to epeak at the rally and was joined by Councillors from Labour and Aspire.
Seeing the cross-party support for the petition, I’m hopeful that this campaign will be successful in securing divestment of LBTH’s pension fund from harmful companies.
The Committee heard the petition and promised a written response to the petitioners once they had had a chance to consider the issue.
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